Let's see where do I begin... the 7th and 8th I don't even think I cooked. Things are a mess in my area with severe historical flooding. I am safe and sound and home now, thank goodness, and getting back on track. Let's see if I can catch this all up in one post...
Monday 9-5-11 - no work today WOOHOO, holiday, and well needed. Made French Toast for breakfast with some sliced bananas. Super delicious, Cinnamon and sugar on top. With of course some syrup! I didn't even make breakfast until about noon so maybe I should call that lunch. lol I guess I just forgot how simple it is to make french toast, it certainly isn't rocket science. And it is so delicious.
A few hours later, I made dinner. I had some stir fry chicken breast, but wasn't quite in the mood to make a stir fry, so i breaded the small pieces with some panko bread crumbs and fried them. I don't even know the last time I fried anything, normally I bake it all to avoid the grease and oil. But I was in the mood for fried. Decided to make some corn as the side. I really miss broccoli and cauliflower but that just hasn't been in the budget. Fresh or frozen they are about $2 a bag or bunch at the least versus a can of peas, green beans, or corn which is about 2 nights servings at the least for $0.39. So cheaper it was!!! I had a few red potatoes left, so I decided to dice them up add some olive oil and some seasonings that were in the cabinet and bake those up for some delicious roasted red potatoes!!! This was a fabulous dinner!! (And there was an entire meal of leftovers!!!)
Tuesday 9-6-11 was a Tuesday like a Monday at work, super hectic super busy, super long. Not a clue what I had for breakfast or lunch that day, but whatever I may have had, I didn't make it. But when I came home, I was determined to figure out what I could start to have to bring to work for breakfast in the mornings. First thought, breakfast burritos!!!! Unfortunately I had no meat to work with for these, no sausage, no bacon, :( But oh well meatless burritos it is!! So I starting dicing the potatoes, cut them up much smaller than i had for the dinner the previous night. Want to make sure they wouldnt make my burrito bulky and break through. Made a cheese, egg, seasonings mixture and started cooking that up and the potatoes were baking. I knew I had about 6 wraps left, and this would be perfect for them as I wasn't sure what else I could make on the wraps and I wanted to use them up before they would go bad. They last forever, but still, everything goes bad in its time. The only thing I wish I did different was to leave the wraps out of the fridge longer or to warm them up in a pan first, as when I was wrapping they were still a bit cool and were breaking a little on the wrapping, I couldn't get them as round as I wanted to make them but more cut corners. So I will learn and figure out some better tricks for making them in the future!! They came out well, and I put 2 in the fridge and the other 4 in the freezer. And then the leftover mixture I added some ketchup and that was dinner!!
This was the potatoes diced and seasoned with a little olive oil as well before they went into the oven to bake!
Here is after the potatoes had baked and the eggs were all done, I mixed it all up! YUMMY
All wrapped up, not the prettiest but I will make sure the wraps are warmer next time, and maybe even a different brand wrap, and I will work on technique!!
The leftovers that didn't make it into a wrap for dinner, just added some ketchup, certainly wish there was some sausage or something in there, but it was still really good!!
the 8th and 9th I had waffles with bananas for breakfast or dinner , only took one picture as they were basically the same thing. On the 8th it was dinner and on the 9th it was breakfast after my two hour walk going around the town taking pictures of the flood damage.
I was wondering what to make for dinner, looking through the cabinets, I wanted something different. I had a can of brown gravy and the thoughts just kept going together. I knew I had a package of beef strips for stir fry, so I decided I would cook them in the gravy! Made some corn, and then some french fries with seasoning. I know traditionally maybe I should have made mashed potatoes, but that just wasn't what I wanted. I don't care about being traditional, I wanna cook what I wanna eat!!! It was super delicious!! Just amazing!!!!!!
Not something I get to eat everyday, or would want everyday, but it was great for dinner!!
Now today is the 10th, I will hopefully post later or tomorrow. Not quite sure what is up my sleeve for cooking today, I want to make some cookies, I got this AWESOME, AMAZING, cookie press, I mean no exaggerating, I LOVE it. I haven't even used it yet, but I have never seen one like it. And the last one I had years ago was plastic and well I broke it, I broke a few of those! There is no way I will break this one, it is just amazing and I can't wait to use it. I am hoping I have everything in the house I might need, because well I don't know if my street is even open to drive on from the flooding and all of the local supermarkets were flooded so they of course are not open. Keep your fingers crossed that I can make some cookies!!!!! Might also make some more Rice Krispie treats or something. And of course some where in that mix some real food!!
Well thanks for listening and reading. Hope to post more later. Hopefully some great cookies. I might just go try to figure that out right now...
Have a great day all!!!!