Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pork Loin

Pork Loins, I don't know why I was always scared of them, always thought they would take forever and ever and EVER to cook. Well geez, silly me. I purchased a plain unseasoned pork loin. Had they had one already rubbed I would have went for that instead, but wipty do, I had to do a little work. No big deal. So I placed in on my pan, rubbed some garlic powder, italian seasoning, oil, cinammon, and basil on the top and placed that baby in the oven. I must admit this came out fabulous and I know everyone is still stuck on the cinammon part, wondering what is wrong with me and how much wine did I drink? To be honest, if I had a bottle of my wine it would have gone great with this pork, but none in the house. Cinammon is something most people think of just with breakfast, but how much fun is that? It is not that simple. It is a great aroma and seasoning for a lot of things if you open up your mind to the experience. For my side I just cooked up some chicken flavored rice with some cheddar and broccoli. All in all an easy dinner and took less than an hour! How can I complain...

I apologize for the lack of numerous pictures, which I was getting better at the step by step photos, my camera was not getting along with me over the last week but we sat down and had a talk and I think I fixed it bugs so we should be much better within the coming days!

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